Friday, April 27, 2007


So i am about 55% done with these:

This is one pre-felted slipper foot, Icord and one cuff which does not get felted. I just got done with the gusset and am moving on to the 7" of foot on the second slipper. But i have taken a break from the endless knitting in the round to work on my Thermal. Sorry no pictures yet, i took some but my camera would not focus....WTF!!! I will try again later.

Monday, April 23, 2007

First Post

So as a first post let me introduce myself. My name is Dana and i live in New jersey. I mostly knit but i also like to crochet, spin anything i can basically get my hands on! Currently i am working on a couple of projects: felted slippers, a throw, and Thermal.
Ill give details in my next post.